deepblue networks and east end hold a joint event
on the topic of social media in live communication

„How does live communication carry your social media activities to success?“ – The experts at east end communications, deepblue networks and Google Deutschland provided answers on this topic at the 2nd Social Media Event on 28 September 2011 which took place at the Lindner Park Hotel in Hagenbeck. Approximately 60 representatives from advertising, media and business participated.

Social networks and blogs, search machines and opinion portals: Only those brands being googled, posted, twittered and liked are playing a role today. Based on this, the experts of the agency for live communication, east end communications, and the communication experts at deepblue networks have developed agency-spanning strategies. At the 2nd social media event, over 60 guests from advertising, media and business received insight into the topic „How does live communication carry your social media activities to success?“.

As the first expert, Thorsten Schapmann (Managing Director of deepblue networks) illustrated the means and methods which enable the potential of social media to be successfully utilized in brand communication. How the scope of live communication can be markedly extended by integrating social media was then explained by Oliver Golz (Managing Director of east end communications) using real life examples. Following that, Stefan Hentschel, Head of Mobile Advertising DACH at Google Deutschland, gave an exclusive outlook on the future of social media and the developments in the mobile market.

„Social Media requires communication at eye level and not bromidic advertising messages. With this event, we demonstrated that live communication is not only an important content-provider, but can also establish trust and thereby contribute to the credible spread of messages“, says Oliver Golz, Managing Director of east end communications.

„Social Media in live communication offers enormous potential for companies. At the same time, it is essential to look beyond your own nose and think inter-disciplinarily. That was the primary reason for our cooperation with east end communications and the objective of this year’s event. Not just an information event, but an active exchange with experts from different areas of marketing. I think that we succeeded admirably in this“, says Thorsten Schapmann, Managing Director of deepblue networks.


About deepblue networks
The Hamburg agency deepblue networks AG focuses on comprehensive communication with the competencies strategic planning, classical communication, digital solutions, below the line, dialogue marketing and package Design. Founded on 1 January 2001, the agency now employs 160 people. Their customers include brands like Barclay Card, Commerzbank, Davidoff, Du darfst, Freixenet, Gerolsteiner, Honda, Knorr, KPM, MTV, Rama, ran, Philips Saeco, Swatch, TV Digital, West and Xing. Further information can be found on the company’s homepage at

Want to know more?

Oliver Golz
Managing Director
T +49 40 899 60 61 33
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