Unilever - Pop-Up Store

daily moments of happiness
290 qm
ice cream experience
4 weeks
Magnum Infinity

Magnum Infinity Lounge - Hamburg

Personal Moments of Happiness in the Magnum Infinity Lounge

Task & Goals
Overall concept and realization of a pop-up lounge for Magnum within the scope of the introduction of the premium brand Magnum Infinity in Germany. Store design, construction and operation of the temporary ice cream experience.

Idea & Realization
Ice cream gourmets in Hamburg, Paris, London, Istanbul and São Paulo were able to experience their personal moments of happiness in the Magnum Infinity Lounge. In Hamburg, the temporary brand world opened its doors in the best location at the heart of the city; 290 m² of space inviting to compose your own Magnum. Visitors received inspiration from the Infinity varieties created by German actress Jessica Schwarz and star chef Tim Raue during an exclusive PR event. The individualization of the ice core took place in a design environment dominated by the colors brown and beige, thereby making the well-known ice cream on a stick a visual experience as well.

Successful melding of the time-limited premium ice cream and the basic transient concept of a pop-up store. Numerous press reports as well as a strong WoM echo. Creation of up to 400 personal moments of happiness per day. Extension of the store’s operation in spite of a rainy summer.


Whitepaper free of charge

“Pop-up 3.0 – Space for Brand Experience, Sales & Stories”.

All about the success factors of pop-up stores and how to use them successfully for your brand communication even during the pandemic, as well as inspiring success cases and the latest global trends.


daily moments of happiness
290 qm
ice cream experience
4 weeks
Magnum Infinity
event days
54 million
media contacts

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