Replay - PR Event

PR launch
your fragrance!

Replay - Global PR Launch - Berlin

REPLAY your fragrance! International Replay fragrance PR launch event at fashion week.

Task & Objectives
Conceptual arrangement and execution of the PR launch event for the new Replay fragrance all in line with remaining communication measures everything relating to the topic of water. Create the experience of the brand and generate media reporting.

Idea & Realization
REPLAY your fragrance! The new Replay fragrance with a unique application. When it is losing its intensity on your skin, you can reactivate it with a drop of water. To experience the product in detail for the international beauty & lifestyle journalists, which were invited to the fashion week Berlin, the topics water and water colours were implemented into the event. Directly located at the river Spree and entirely in the style of the fashion brand is the trendy Bar 25 – this is the place where the event starts with a welcome-lunch. Nostalgic boats take the guests to the product presentation at the historic Spreespeicher – directly at the waterfront of river Spree. With the look and feel of the fragrance the location has the effect of an oversized watercolour painting. Journalists experience the fragrance and learn how its reactivating its intensity with water in this creative atmosphere.

Stina Perrson, which is famous for her work with watercolour, created the campaign design for replay. The guests follow the footprints of the artists and get involved in the mystery of watercolours. Within a watercolour-workshop under the guidance of lectures of the Berlin art school they create their own portrait in the style of Stina Persson. Later in the evening the journalists internalize the experiences of the day at the REPLAY Party on the international fashion trade fair Bread&Butter.

Successful presentation of the new Replay fragrance. Generation of extensive international media reporting.


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PR launch
your fragrance!

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